Vampire the masquerade bloodlines ventrue build
Vampire the masquerade bloodlines ventrue build

vampire the masquerade bloodlines ventrue build vampire the masquerade bloodlines ventrue build

Radiance - A polished silver sword, that glows in the light, and fueled by passion. Gold Diamond necklace enchanted with Fortify Barter and Destruction. Heart of Inspiration- A diamond necklace granting power and inspiration to the wearer. Jade Boots - Exquisite boots carved of pure jade. Gilded Armguards - Lustrous gilded wristguards, courtesy of the Emperor. You can go for Ancient Falmer if you wish, I did at one point.Ĭrystal-Studded Armor - Armor studded with beautiful crystals. When it came to equipement, I went with what looked the best, beautiful, starting with your plain old Elven, then making it up to Glass. Whether wielding a spell in the other hand, or a parrying knife in the other, they are masters of the art of combat. Flame spells were chosen as the Toreador using passion and inspiration as a weapon, the flames of passion and the fires of industry made real. Dragons were taken out with a gust of flame.

vampire the masquerade bloodlines ventrue build

With Two Handers, I found it easier if I calmed them, poisoned my weapon with paralysis, got them on the ground, then let loose with flames. With Archers and Mages, it is best to calm them first, take out the rest, then move on to them.

vampire the masquerade bloodlines ventrue build

If possible, if outnumbered, and outgunned, I would calm as many enemies as possible, or use Bend Will to have a small army for a time, and dispatch them when I had no longer any need of them. Whenever the opportunity, I presented itself, I either bribed or persuaded my enemies in order to get my way. With Undead, I mainly let my followers take care of the weaker ones, softening up the tougher, boss-like enemies, while I used swift blade strikes to take them out. Lay a flower or two on it, make it so their bodies are straight. If you kill someone, friend or foe, take time to arrange their body. I played the Toreador as one who seeks beauty in all things, especially in the kill. Appearance : Give your character a regal look, neat hair, trim beard if you wish, nothing too hideous, like facial scars or tattoos. We Toreador are purveyors of beauty, and discretion, for all desires are valid, to a man or woman with a full purse Of course, my personal favorite, Bretons would work, due to their culture, and love of plotting. We are the inventors, the artists, the authors of this land. Hello, and welcome to the next of my Vampire The Masquerade Clans series, a semi-collab between Bryn and myself, after months of work, I proudly present You wish to know about the Toreador, hmm? Well, to start, you know the tales of vampires who seduce and beguile mortals with their beauty and charm, we are their inspiration.

Vampire the masquerade bloodlines ventrue build