I googled a bit and found that police mavericks can easily see through buildings and walls using infra, thermal visions.
Aerial Sight is one of the recently developed legs of the mod and is one of my personal favorites, this is of a time when there is only the police helicopter which has you in sight, if you destroy / evade the police helicopter, you'll directly go into hiding (if anyone else doesn't spot you for sometime).
Location Compromised: If the player goes inside any of his own properties or a public restaurant / shop where the news is readily available on television, his location would instantly be compromised and cops will surround the property / restaurant. Evading Search means there are no cops around you which CJ is aware of while he is hiding. In Sight would be either if you are in a car chase or there are cops around you who can see you but are not able to shoot at you or try to kill you. They will go to the last seen location and also police helicopters will try to spot you be scanning your area with infrared, night-vision and what not. Searching Area will be a state when you are out of sight and cops are searching the area. This is the only possibility available in the original cop system. Hostile mod is when Some foot cops have you in sight and are ready to shoot to kill / arrest you.
If you're out of sight, and there are cops nearby - searching the area, in this case, you can create a Distraction, and all cops will run to the location where the shots were fired by you instinctively. If you're hidden and shoot in public, you may Draw Attention - There will be a chance that someone around you will rat you out to the cops and that a patrol car/ helicopter / tank comes scrounging the area dynamically depending on what wanted level the player has. If you shoot in public, depending on the circumstances, either a ' Disturbance' or ' Felony' will be Reported by someone from the area and you will get a wanted level.